26th International Short Film Festival Posters Contest “Ciudad de Soria” 2024

Applications are how open for the 26th International Short Film Festival Posters Contest. Click to learn more about this competition and how to apply for it. 

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About 26th International Short Film Festival Posters Contest “Ciudad de Soria”

Opportunity Details

  • Date Published: March 25, 2024
  • Category: Contest
  • Oppotunity Locations: Spain

The 26th International Short Film Festival “Ciudad de Soria” Poster Contest is to promote cinematographic culture globally, foster artistic and design creativity, and raise awareness of the Festival on a national and worldwide scale.

Designers, artists, and content producers of all nationalities are welcome to enter this competition. Anyone who would like to contribute may do so as an individual author or as a team. A maximum of one poster per author may be presented.

Benefits of 26th International Short Film Festival Posters Contest “Ciudad de Soria”

  • There will only be one prize of €1,000 awarded. The law’s established taxes in proportion will be subtracted from it.

26th International Short Film Festival Posters Contest “Ciudad de Soria” Requirments

  • Designers, artists, and content producers of all nationalities are welcome to enter this competition. Anyone who would like to contribute may do so as an individual author or as a team. A maximum of one poster per author may be presented.
  • It’s a free theme. Digital, photographic, or pictorial compositions are all acceptable. The poster’s connection to the visiting nation—Brazil this year—will be highly appreciated.
  • The following text needs to be visibly shown in the works that are being presented: XXVI CERTAMEN INTERNACIONAL DE CORTOS “CIUDAD DE SORIA“ Del 8 al 17 de Noviembre de 2024.
  • There needs to be room in the design for the logos of partner businesses and organizations to be inserted later, along with the hashtag #soriaesigualdad.
  • It’s crucial to remember that the poster’s selected design will be used on a variety of advertising platforms, including buses, roll-up billboards, mupis, and billboards. As such, the design must be able to adapt both horizontally and vertically to these platforms while maintaining its identity in the original format.
  • The competition will only accept unpublished works that haven’t been seen at any other festivals. The author will be held fully accountable for any incident that arises from the usage of images or the plagiarization of images from other authors or institutions, and the work will be taken down right away.
  • Promoting feminism across all sectors and implementing the gender viewpoint in many projects is one of the issues faced by the Soria City Council. The data shows that women are still subjected to assault, prejudice, and invisibility. slutty. In order to improve actions, a thorough strategy has been put into place to assist in reviewing the road taken. The Department of Youth is the organizer of the competition to create the poster for the XXVI Edition of the “CITY OF SORIA” International Short Film Contest. In this way, the Department of Youth is implementing Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is related to gender equality. The Department of Youth notes that “gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but is one of the essential foundations for building a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.” Posters that display homophobic, racist, macho, or other offensive messages are therefore prohibited, as are those that normalize women and their bodies or depict them in conventional or stereotypical ways.
  • Posters using clichéd and/or current local imagery (monuments, customs, etc.) and/or movie-related imagery (popcorn, theater seats, scissors, etc.) will also not be approved.
  • Posters that don’t adhere to the guidelines outlined in any of the above sections will be immediately disqualified.

Application Date and Process

Participants in the contest must submit their designs via the email address below in JPG Din A/4 format at 72 dpi vertically.

The email sent to the organization must contain the following information:

  • Subject: Sora 2024 Short Film Contest Poster Competition + Work Title.
  • To protect the author’s identity, there are two files attached:
    • –1. Attached to the finished artwork:
    • Vertical JPG format at 72 dpi and Din A/4 size.
    • In this phase, files containing layers or sentences that are not plotted will not be approved.
    • –2 Word or Notepad file containing the author’s data:
    • Name of the writer (and/or firm name, if relevant) · Origin (town, province, or nation) · Phone number · Email address · Identity document
    • Social networks; · Authorship of the poster and transfer of usage declared responsibly.
  • An email verifying the accurate receipt of the materials and registration will be sent by the organization. Posters submitted by participants will not be available for public viewing until the week after the announcement of the winning poster. The poster and its creator will be disqualified from the competition if their work is displayed in public before the Festival Organization announces the winner.
  • Posters that do not adhere to the presentation’s fundamental points will be immediately removed.

Submission Email: [email protected]

Application Deadline

21 June, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of 26th International Short Film Festival Posters Contest “Ciudad de Soria”

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