How to Write a Scholarship Motivation Letter (With 3 Samples)

Views: 2008     05 Apr, 2023

How to Write a Scholarship Motivation Letter (With 3 Samples)

A scholarship motivation letter is an essential part of applying for scholarships. Though it may not always be required when applying for scholarships, whenever it is required, it is an important factor to determine the outcome of your application. 

Writing a motivation letter can be intimidating, especially when you have to decide what would be in it or not. This article is going to guide you on how to write a great motivation letter to go with your scholarship application. 

In this article, you would learn: 

  • What a motivation letter is.

  • The difference between a scholarship motivation letter and a scholarship application letter. 

  • What should be included in your scholarship motivation letter? 

  • How to Prepare Your Scholarship Motivation Letter

  • 10 important tips and guidelines for writing a killer scholarship motivation letter. 

  • What NOT to Include When Writing a Scholarship Motivation Letter 

  • Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Scholarship Motivation Letter

  • How to Revise a Scholarship Motivation Letter

So, let’s get started!


What is a scholarship motivation letter?

A motivation letter is usually like a cover letter that you submit alongside your CV for a job, but this time, for a scholarship. It is an essay that explains your academic interest in a particular programme or scholarship to the scholarship committee. With this document, you introduce yourself, your background and your future plans to the committee. You also highlight your strengths, relevant experiences, your goals, and what you intend to achieve and show your potential overall. With this information, the scholarship committee then decides if you are the right person for the scholarship. 

A motivation letter is best written within 500-1000 words. The idea is to keep it at a good length, not too short that you don’t have enough space to present your argument, but also not too long that you include unnecessary details that won’t help you get the scholarship. At the end of the day, the most important thing about a motivation letter is to craft the content to fit into the institution’s requirements. 


Difference between a scholarship application letter and a scholarship motivation letter.

While both a scholarship application letter and a motivation letter are geared towards helping you gain a scholarship from an institution, they are not the same thing and do not cover the same function. This is why some schools still demand a motivation letter to come with your scholarship application letter. 

A scholarship application letter is simply a document that carries your application for a scholarship. It contains your academic achievements and background and focuses on how the scholarship will contribute to your academic pursuit and endeavours. A motivation letter on the other hand explains your personality, interests and strengths to the scholarship committee. The goal of the motivation letter is to explain to them why you are applying for the scholarship, that is, your motive, and why you are the best candidate for the scholarship. 

With a well-written application letter and motivation letter, it is quite easy to get into any scholarship program of any institution. 


What should be included in your motivation letter?

To have a complete and amazing motivation letter, three main sections should be included in your letter; the introduction, the body and the conclusion. 


Just as the name implies, the introduction is the part of your motivation letter where you give a first and formal presentation of who you are and what your letter is about. So, the introduction part of your letter will contain your details which include your name, contact details, and your previous academic qualifications. 

Also, your introduction is expected to contain the academic programme you have been accepted into and how it relates to the scholarship you are applying for. This then helps you begin to establish why you are writing the letter and also why you are the best candidate to receive the scholarship program. 

The Body

The body of your motivation letter is the one place you have to convince the committee on why you should be given the scholarship. This is the section of your letter that carries the most weight. Here are the details that should be carefully crafted into the body of your letter.

  • Detailed information about your professional experiences. Your professional experience may not only be about academic-related work like teaching and research experience. It could also contain work outside the academic field such as volunteering experience that shows the relevant skills and knowledge required. In this paragraph, it is also important to include your career growth in chronological order if there is any.

  • Your academic experiences, background and achievements. It is necessary to highlight academic achievements that are relevant to the school you are applying for. Also, to make this section of your letter authentic, do not just rely on the transcript to communicate your academic achievements. You can describe challenges you overcame in the course of your study that show your education and best qualities. 

  • An insight into what you hope to gain from your education and the scholarship program. Taking time to explain what you would get from the education and how it will be impactful to not just you but society as well goes a long way to prove to the committee that you are the right person for the scholarship. It shows that you are initiative, and creative and you are not just interested in their money. 


To end your motivation letter, reiterate the valid points you have mentioned about yourself, your academic pursuit and the difference you would make if given the opportunity with the scholarship. Affirm that you are the right candidate for the scholarship and they would not be making a mistake by picking you. Sign off by appreciating the board and any other person involved for the opportunity. 


How to Prepare Your Scholarship Motivation Letter

Here are the steps to take if you are preparing to write your scholarship motivation letter: 

1. Research thoroughly and Understand the Scholarship

a. Deep Dive into the Details

Before you start writing your motivation letter, thoroughly research the scholarship program. Have a basic understanding of the scholarship's goal, the values it upholds, and the kind of student it generally supports.

b. Align Your Aspirations

How do your academic goals and future aspirations align with the scholarship's purpose and mission? Indicate this alignment in your motivation letter.

2. Gather Your Materials and Achievements

c. Academic Transcript

Although your academic transcript provides a solid foundation, remember that the motivation letter should include more than grades.

d. Activities and Awards

Mention some extracurricular activities, volunteer work, awards, leadership experiences, or special skills that prove your uniqueness and well-roundedness.

e. Mention Your Experiences

Highlight experiences that indicate your devotion to your field of study or your capacity to overcome challenges.

3. Structure Your Letter for Impact

f. Compelling Introduction

Catch the reader's attention with a compelling opening that presents yourself and speaks of the exact scholarship you're applying for. Also, briefly state a major goal or achievement that represents the values of the scholarship program.

g. Create Body Paragraphs with a Clear Focus

Dedicate different paragraphs to state your academic achievements, relevant experiences, and future goals.

  • Academic Achievements: Don't just state your m grades. Mention some challenging courses, research topics, or academic awards that prove your intellectual curiosity and prospect.

  • Experiences: Talk about your involvement in different extracurricular activities, leadership roles, volunteer work, or any other unique skills that make you stand out. 

  • Future Goals: Explain how your academic goals resonate with the scholarship's mission. 

h. Conclusion with a Call to Action

Thank the scholarship committee for their time and consideration. Also, briefly repeat your enthusiasm for the scholarship program. Conclude your letter with a solid call to action, inviting them to learn more about you through your other application materials.

4. Write with Confidence and Clarity

i. Professional Tone

Always maintain a formal tone at all times. Also, you should avoid slang or informal expressions in the letter.

j. Conciseness is Key

Aim for a clear, concise, readable and impactful letter that doesn't exceed the stipulated word limit.

k. Proofread Meticulously

Make sure your motivation letter is completely free of typos and grammatical errors. This way, you’d create a positive impression on your audience. 

5. Tailor Your Letter for Each Scholarship

l. Avoid Generic Applications

Don't send a generic letter. Ensure that you adapt and structure your letter to highlight how your qualifications align with each of the scholarship's specific criteria.


Tips and Guidelines to write your motivation letter

Apart from understanding how to structure your motivation letter and the different sections you need, there are guidelines and tips you should keep in mind when writing your letter.

a. Do proper research on the institution and possibly the members of the deciding committee

While this may sound somewhat cliche to people, it has proven over time to be a very helpful tip while preparing your scholarship motivation letter. Before you start working on the letter, be sure to research the institution. Find out their values, the system they operate and what the institution is known for. Also knowing tiny details about those deciding on the scholarship would be very helpful. These are some tiny details you may find yourself subtly including or highlighting while getting your letter ready. 

b. Plan out your letter from the beginning and start early

Having a plan of what your letter would look like would help you to have a direction for writing your letter. It would also help you determine on time what details are necessary and what details are not necessary. Finally, it would save you from doing rush work. Take time and plan out your letter, highlighting what you want or don’t want. That way, you do better and more thorough work. 

c. State facts and not just dreams 

In as much as you believe that the scholarship is going to help you achieve your dreams, the deciding officers want to see as many facts as possible. Do not just talk about what you hope to achieve, also spend time talking about your experiences in fields relevant to the study you are applying for. The idea is not just to show your enthusiasm to them, it is also to show that you are deserving of the scholarship and you can only do that by stating facts and not just dreams. 

d. Include the contributions you would make 

Every institution wants to know what they will gain by giving you a scholarship. You are not the only one applying, however, if you are able to let them know what they stand to gain, then you up your chances of being selected. What extracurricular activities would you be involved in? What projects would you likely carry out during your stay? These are some of the things that you should include in your letter if you are going to get selected. It’s a win-win program, and your letter has to explicitly show that too. 

e. Be as concise as possible 

If you’re going to have a killer motivation letter, you must be concise with it. Don’t say the same thing in ten ways. You’d end up boring the reviewer and he may just pass over your letter. As much as you want to detail the necessary achievements and points in your letter, be concise about them. If not, you may unknowingly include unnecessary details in your letter and miss your chance. 

f. Keep your tone as formal as possible 

Keep in mind that your scholarship motivation letter is a formal document, so your tone should be formal. You could be addressing professors, management staff and a lot of other people you may not know. So, as much as you can, keep your tone professional. There should not be a playing around with your motivation letter. 

g. Keep your words simple, and your letter short

When writing your letter, avoid using complex words. You are not trying to show off, you are trying to persuade the school to pick you. To achieve that, keep your words simple and ensure your letter is short. Ideally, you shouldn’t have a letter that is beyond a page, but if you must, a page and a half are completely enough to communicate clearly why you should be considered for the scholarship. 

h. Say the truth and do not exaggerate 

Your motivation letter should have a plethora of your achievements, strengths and abilities, but do not exaggerate in your letter. Don’t try to twist the truth or say something that isn’t true in your letter. In the long run, if the things you say don’t check out, you’d likely lose the scholarship. Be honest about who you are, what you can do and where you are headed in life. 

i. Be careful to follow their requirements 

In most cases, when a motivation letter is required, certain requirements are put out. It would be a huge mistake to neglect those requirements while writing your letter. Keep to the number of words if any is specified and keep to the deadlines given. Every institution is not the same and may have some requirements peculiar to them. You must be careful to take note of that and follow them. 

j. Proofread your letter properly before submitting 

There is never an end to how many times you can proofread your motivation letter before you finally submit it. This is one of the advantages of beginning your letter early. Proofread it properly to ensure there are no errors. Also, avoid slang and cliches in your letter. You can take an extra step by giving it to a professional to proofread it for you. This will help you ensure that there are no errors in your letter and it is top-notch in every sense. 


What NOT to Include When Writing a Scholarship Motivation Letter

Your scholarship motivation letter must be well-written and free of typographical or grammatical errors. Ensure you use a professional tone and advanced phrasing (no slang) throughout the letter. Also, highlight specific instances about your past, present, and future that align with the value of the scholarship programme. Avoid vague generalisations. Vagueness indicates a lack of knowledge of care. 


Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Scholarship Motivation Letter

Below, we’ve listed some common mistakes to avoid while drafting your scholarship motivational letter:


1. Using Generic Greetings and Introductions

Avoid using the "Dear Sir or Madam" and impersonal openings. Research the admissions officer or sponsor’s committee if possible, and write a more suitable introduction.

2. Repeating the Scholarship Description

Don't just repeat the scholarship details. Explain how your goals align with the scholarship’s mission and values.

3. Focusing on Just Grades and Scores

While your academics are important, your motivation letter should be about more than your academic achievement. Mention your unique passions, hobbies, experiences, and goals that go beyond the classroom.

 4. Grammatical Errors and Typos

Grammatical errors, typos, and unclear sentences can negatively impact your audience. To ensure that your motivation letter is polished, concise, and error-free, proofread it meticulously! 

5. Bragging and Exaggeration

Avoid heinous self-promotion or magnifying your accomplishments. Let your well-documented achievements speak for themselves. 

6. Rambling and Repetitive Content

Communicate your achievements and goals to the sponsors within the stipulated word limit. Avoid unwarranted repetition and make sure your assertions are well-structured.

7. Lack of Clarity on Financial Need (if applicable)

If financial need applies to the programme (for need-based scholarships), be honest and realistic. Exaggerating your financial situation can ruin your credibility.

8. Negativity and Dwelling on Challenges

Focus on the positive! Emphasise your strengths and persistence, but avoid dwelling on hardships, negative experiences, or past failures.

9. Ignoring Specific Requirements

Some scholarships provide specific instructions for their motivation letter. Ensure that you pay attention to these specific details and tailor your letter accordingly.

10. Forgetting the Call to Action

Conclude with a powerful closing that regurgitates your enthusiasm for the scholarship. Thank the scholarship committee for their time and consideration. You can also subtly state your interest in an interview (if applicable).

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can craft a compelling scholarship motivation letter to increase your chances of securing the funding. 


How to Revise a Scholarship Motivation Letter

Here's a guide on how to review your motivation letter after writing:

1. Take a Break and Gain Perspective

After writing the first draft of your letter, take some time off from it. This mental break lets you come back to it with fresh eyes, allowing you to give a more objective review.

2. Self-Evaluation and Refinement

Carefully examine if your letter effectively communicates your key message. Ensure that it highlights your strengths, experiences, and future goals in a way that resonates with the scholarship's criteria. Also, remove unnecessary information or redundancies.

3. Proofreading and Polishing

Double-check for grammatical errors, typos, and punctuation mistakes. This would boost the impression your letter has on the readers. Also, read your letter aloud to find awkward phrasing or bulky sentences. Seek a letter with a smooth and natural flow. This makes it very easy to understand.

4. Seeking Feedback is Key

Ask a trusted friend, teacher, advisor, or mentor to review your letter and give constructive feedback. You can also use online grammar tools to help you identify technical errors and suggest improvement in clarity and conciseness.


Samples of scholarship motivation letter

Here are some samples scholarship motivation letters with word templates you can download and tailor for your own use. 

Sample scholarship motivation letter word 

Motivation letter for Undergraduate/Bachelor

Motivation Letter for Master’s Degree

Motivation Letter for PhD

Sample scholarship motivation letter pdf 

Motivation letter for Undergraduate/Bachelor

Motivation Letter for Master’s Degree

Motivation Letter for PhD


With these guidelines, you would be able to write your scholarship motivation letter and apply for a scholarship in any institution of your choice. Feel free to ask questions in the common section and we’d be sure to reply to you. 

All the best in your next application!


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